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Workers' Voice Conference: New light on sustainable corporate governance

Veranstalter: Hans-Böckler-Stiftung
Ort: Brüssel, Vertretung des Landes NRW bei der Europäischen Union
vom: 19.03.2024, 13:00 Uhr
bis: 20.03.2024, 12:00 Uhr


Bei der zweitägigen Workers‘ Voice Konferenz kamen in Brüssel Praktiker*innen mit Expert*innen aus Politik, Gewerkschaften und Wirtschaft zusammen, um über Erfolge und Herausforderungen in der Mitbestimmung zu diskutieren. Konkrete Forderungen für die nächste Europäische Kommission haben sie ebenfalls formuliert.Von Fiene Kuhlmann und Maxi Leuchters

zum Bericht

Workers’ participation in companies is a key element of a democratic economy and a democratic world of work. However, we can observe that workers’ rights are under pressure and undermined in practice. To strengthen participation in multinational companies, progress on a European level is essential.

In view of the European elections in June 2024, it is therefore particularly important to focus on this topic again, not only by putting workers’ participation on the social policy agenda, but also by incorporating it into European company policy and law. Together with practitioners and trade union representatives, we want to discuss the future of workers’ participation and sustainable corporate governance and provide concrete tools for drawing attention to the importance of the European election from a workers’ perspective.

Program (pdf)


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