
Politic-didactical reconstruction of a social accountability project: Citizen consciousness in Cambodia

Johannes Ph. Backhaus applies the Model of Education Reconstruction (MER) to the context of a social accountability intervention in Cambodia. This book is not an evaluation but adopts a qualitative perspective on the learning approach applied by the researched intervention. The research found that the learning intervention does not systematically include learners` pre-existing social knowledge. It would potentially benefit from systematically harvesting and reinforcing pre-held convictions to sustainably motivate participation. It does not address potentially sensitive topics while interviewees show a sophisticated and holistic understanding of these. Finally, there are inconsistencies between the program`s aims and objectives. In sum, the piloted approach offers pathways on how to beneficially include qualitative perspectives on similar development interventions.


Backhaus, Johannes Ph.: Citizen consciousness in Cambodia
Bürgerbewusstsein, Wiesbaden, ISBN: 978-3-658-30878-0,978-3-658-30879-7 (eBook), 299 pages

Dissertation, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2019